Tuition Chart
Below you will find a chart based on ensemble and income level. The listed income levels should serve as a guideline only. We realize that there are different factors that each family faces. We ask that you approach this thoughtfully and be as generous as you can.
All families will pay a non-refundable deposit equal to the first and last months’ tuition upon signing up. Depending on the ensemble, families may then choose to pay the remaining balance in full or to schedule monthly payments. If you choose pay in full, the remaining balance will be automatically drafted from your card on October 1st. If you choose to schedule monthly payments, your card will automatically be drafted on the first of the month from October through March.
Tuition Support
Please note, you may also request a full scholarship by emailing Jenny Walters at This level is applicable for situations like children in the foster system, families experiencing health crises, families whose adults are currently unemployed, etc.
Payment Method
Our website uses a system called Stripe to process registration payments. This requires a credit or debit card. If you need to pay via cash or check, please contact Jenny Walters at