Waitlist: SV-Two 2024-2025
2nd and 3rd Graders
Thank you for your interest in Sisters’ Voices. Our SV-Two ensemble is now full. In order to hold your space on the waitlist, we ask that you pay a deposit equivalent to the cost of one month of tuition. We will do our best to accept your singer into our ensemble and will apply the deposit towards the remaining tuition. If for whatever reason we cannot find space for your singer, we will offer you a full refund. We will be in touch with you regarding your singer’s placement by early December. Please make sure the email addresses leandra@sistersvoices.org and info@sistersvoices.org will not be flagged as spam by your email system.
SV-Two continues with more complicated games and dances. Singers learn to navigate a simple choral score, reading simple rhythms and pitches. Singers participate in at least two performances during the year, singing pieces as an ensemble and with the tutti SV ensembles. Singers are challenged to develop strong rehearsal habits, make friends, and have fun making music together.
SV-Two can be either a full year commitment or a semester-long commitment. For the fall semester, singers rehearse once a week from September through mid-January. The spring semester will take place from mid-January through May. Each semester will culminate in a concert. Registration for the spring semester will open in November. Priority will be given to those who sang during the fall semester. We will then reach out to singers on the waitlist to fill any remaining slots.
Rehearsals will occur from 4:15 pm – 5:15 pm on Thursdays in the Binkley Preschool wing of Binkley Baptist Church, 1712 Willow Drive, Chapel Hill.
COST: You will be asked to pay a deposit to hold your spot. The waitlist deposit is equivalent to one month of tuition ($64). A sliding scale is available. Please see the table at the bottom of this page for the tuition chart.
Questions regarding ensemble programming and rehearsals should be directed to Leandra: leandra@sistersvoices.org
Questions regarding registration and tuition payments should be directed to accounts@sistersvoices.org