Regular weekly Monday meetings will continue as they have been going, with one change: we will ask families to commit to the whole semester. This will allow us to work on longer-term projects knowing who will be participating. Please keep in mind the caveat that if schools return to meeting in person for full days we may need to shift the timing of Monday rehearsals slightly later.
SV-One (2nd through 3rd grade) will meet on Monday afternoons from 3:00 until 3:45.
SV-Two (4th through 5th grade) will meet on Monday afternoons from 4:00 until 4:45.
SV-Three (6th through 8th grade) will meet on Monday afternoons from 5:00 until 5:45.
Small groups will also continue. If your singer has not been in a small group and would like to join one, this is the time! Please send Leandra an email at and let her know if you’d like to add this so she can put groups together and prepare a schedule. If you register for a small group, this will enroll your singer in all SV programs, including both Monday rehearsals and In-Person rehearsals. Small groups run with the expectation that the singers are getting the Monday repertoire and learning the songs in the larger group. In small groups we are able to focus on music reading skills on a more individual basis, and we can enter a more collaborative process together. These groups are lots of fun, and we’d love to see more singers join them!
In-Person rehearsals, every few weeks, will begin in January. We will meet Saturdays between noon and 4pm at Southern Community Park in the large picnic shelter. We have reserved the space 1/30 and 2/27. We plan to reserve also 3/20, 4/17, and 5/8, as possible. We will start with in-person groups being 5 singers or smaller and consider expanding the size of the groups and length of rehearsals as the semester continues, depending on recommendations of health officials and parental comfort. Please note that if we are locked down, we will of course not meet and will reschedule for a later date. We’ll be in touch!
Singers may choose to do Mondays only, In-Person only, or both Mondays and In-Person. Singers who sign up for Small Groups are automatically signed up for Mondays and In-Person rehearsals as well.
Mondays: sliding scale $20-$40 per month
In-Person: $100 for five rehearsals
Small Group (includes Small Group, Monday, and In-Person): sliding scale $80-$140.
All this having been said, we do not turn singers away for a lack of ability to pay. We want your children singing with us! Contact Jenny Walters at if you need support with tuition. Or, if you can contribute more than the minimum, please do this so we can keep everyone singing!